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宝贝的英文怎么说 宝贝的英文

2023-10-26 16:34:52来源:互联网



Stop blubbering, you big baby!
大宝贝,别哭了!The black currant trees were the apple of Joseph"s eye
这些果树是约瑟夫的宝贝。Gordon, I’m not an amateur! I love that baby and I am scientific.
戈登,我不是外行!我爱小宝贝,我懂得科学育婴。--this noble sack of virgin lead going at only nine hundred dollars, gilding and all-- come!
--这么一袋真铅宝贝九百块就要出手了,算上镀金全套在内啦--等等!My treasure, I bore you in my womb.
我的宝贝,我的亲骨肉。Wherefore are you my beloved?
你怎么啦,我的宝贝?Hush, my love, it"s all right.
嘘,宝贝,没事了。You should not, of course, stop reading this estimable newspaper.
当然,你不应该抛弃这份宝贝的报纸。Hsueh-shih"s a first-class dolt. No good to you for a husband!
老六这人也是天字第一号的宝贝,他不行!The car is really precious to him.

n. 珍宝,财富;珍藏品
v. 珍爱;珍藏;铭记

health treasure.
保健珍品。 healthy treasure
健康珍品 They are treasure hunters.
他们是一群寻宝人。The treasurer transformed the treasures into the company"s treasury.
财务管理人将财宝转移到公司的金库里。The child is a treasure of a son.

相关内容: 宝贝的英文怎么说 尚训网
