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任性的英文 参考例句

2023-10-12 10:54:40来源:互联网



Taking undue liberties;forward or overfamiliar.
放肆的,任性的行为不适当的;鲁莽的或过于亲热的 An unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane.
一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍。"A lively child,who had been spoilt and indulged,and therefore was sometimes wayward(Charlotte Bront.
“原本是一个活泼可爱的小孩,可因为被宠惯了,所以有时也会刚愎自用,任性倔强”(夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。But another feeling rose and triumphed: something hard and cynical, self-willed and resolute.
可是另外一种感情浮现出来,胜利了。那是一种冷酷而愤世嫉俗的、任性而坚决的感情。Capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse.
〞任性顽固的,怪癖的;执迷不悟的〞The child was accustomed to have her way.
这孩子任性惯了。Get one"s own way; get things the way one wants
任性;一意孤行;为所欲为;随心所欲He is fickle to a proverb.
他的任性是人所共知的。Having a peevish nature;cranky.
暴躁的有易怒性格的;任性的Resulting from willfulness and obstinacy.

adj. 变化无常的;变幻莫测的;多变的

The novelist characterizes his heroine as capricious and passionate.
这位小说家把女主人公刻画成反覆无常而又多情的人。Arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law.
武断的、反复无常的、或滥用职权的及另外与法律不一致的.How wonderful it would be to ignore the capricious nature of technology—and get on with our work
要是不理睬那些变化多端的技术特性而继续干我们的工作,那该是多么好啊!Her blazing eyes always betray her covert capricious self.
她那火热的眼睛总是显露出她隐蔽的任性本质。Rich men are capricious and exacting and do not pity and help the poor.

相关内容: 任性的英文 尚训网
