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加工厂的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-18 10:40:23来源:互联网


【化】 fabricating plant
【经】 finished factory

The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.
原木顺流漂到木材加工厂。Arrangements should be made to have a local processor or rendering plant pick it up.
应安排当地的加工厂来处理。Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.
Brabante太太正在和当地农作物加工厂的经理说话。Sea Ration Factory:This building cooks up corn into sea rations to be eaten by pirates at sea.
航海食品加工厂:在这里把玉米加工成海盗们出海时吃的食物。Mrs Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.
布拉班特夫人正在和当地农作物加工厂的经理谈话。Many mills, manufacturers, retail stores, magazines, and trade associations have their own textile testing laboratories.
许多纺织厂、服装加工厂、零售商、期刊社和贸易协会有他们自己的纺织品测试室。Use the following guidelines to prepare cutting the plant if the carcass is not cut and wrapped on the farm.
如果肉尸在农场没被分割和包装,那就依据以下原则准备在加工厂分割和包装。She worked at a sawmill running a forklift for fifty dollars a week and had another job at a poultry plant.

[ fabricated ]的现在分词;[ fabricate ]的现在分词;[ fabrication ]的现在分词;[ fabricator ]的现在分词

Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric.
合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。(3) fabric analysis, for example, fabric count of woven fabric, fabric type, fabric weight and fabric width
(3)织物分析,如机织物密度、织物的结构、织物的质量和幅宽It is a fabric of fine fiber.

n. 植物;工厂;机器设备
v. 栽种;播种;布置;插入

A bur of this plant.
这种植物的刺果 They are planted for hedges.
它们种起来当作篱笆。This is a precocious plant.

adj. 精巧的;完蛋的;完成的
v. finish的过去式和过去分词

Finishing touches
收尾工作It was an exciting finish.
比赛结尾是激动人心的。 Are you finished with the scissors?

相关内容: 加工厂的英文怎么说 尚训网
