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手雷的英文怎么说 手雷的英文

发布时间:2023-03-15 16:39:08来源:尚训网

随着社会越来越发达,大家都选择在网络上汲取相关知识内容,比如手雷的英文怎么说 手雷的英文,为了更好的解答大家的问题,小编也是翻阅整理了相应内容,下面就一起来看一下吧!


antitank grenade

The grenade bounced off their shields, and harmlessly detonated in the air.
手雷被它们的护盾弹开,在空中毫无伤害的爆炸。Grenades across the forest walls and other obstacles can direct attack enemy targets.

a. 对抗战车用的

Anti-tank weapons were trained upon all possible approaches to the bridge.
反坦克武器瞄准了所有可能的桥梁通道。Another common method is the semaphore spoiler which the French have used on most of their anti-tank missiles
另一种通用的方法是阻流板扰流片,此方法在法国已经用在大部分反坦克导弹上。In an age of computer-guided antitank missless and radar spy satellites, it is tempting to see war as nothing more than a technological joust. History begs to differ
在应用电脑制控的反坦克导弹和雷达监测卫星的时代里,战争很容易被看作为一场技术上的竞争。历史却未敢苟同 In an age of computer-guided antitank missiles and radar By spy satellites, it is tempting to see war as nothing more than a technological joust. History Begs to differ.
在应用电脑制控的反坦克导弹和雷达监测卫星的时代里,战争很容易被看作为一场技术上的竞争。历史却未敢苟同。 Vast intricate systems of fortifications, defended localities, and anti-tank obstacles, block-houses, pillboxes and the like, laced the whole area

n. 手榴弹;灭火弹
v. 扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击

A second grenade was thrown.
他们又扔出了一颗手榴弹。 Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades.
游击队用手榴弹袭击了巡逻队。The grenade bounced off their shields, and harmlessly detonated in the air.
手雷被它们的护盾弹开,在空中毫无伤害的爆炸。One of the soldiers jumped from the truck and lobbed a grenade at the reviewing stand.
当时,一名士兵跳下卡车,向检阅台扔出了一颗手榴弹。The soldier picked up the unexploded hand grenade and hurled it away into the safety of the forest

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