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米歇尔的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-10-16 10:16:53来源:互联网



Scooby-Doo, launched in 1969 and recently made into a live-action movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, came second.
1969年投放市场的《史酷比》最近被改编成由莎拉·米歇尔主演的真人电影,史酷比在排行镑上排名第二。Michel Ardan determined to effect their reconciliation
米歇尔?阿当决定怂恿他们和解。Political sociologists today are often reluctant to acquiesce to Michel"s law.
今天的政治社会学家们往往不愿意接受米歇尔法则。I believe with all my heart, michelle, that we were brought together on purpose
我深深地感到,米歇尔,我们的相遇是上天的安排。Michaelle helped to butcher a seal and ate a slice of its raw heart.
米歇尔帮着屠杀了一只海豹,并且生吞了一片海豹的心。 Extra-curricular Messier is a father of five and a practising Catholic
相关内容生活中的米歇尔是5个孩子的父亲,并且还是一名虔城的天主教徒。All hearts beat with disquietude, save only the heart of Michel Arden
每一颗心都急得怦怦乱跳,只有米歇尔?阿当是一个例外。"You must be michelle," he said. He pushed up the sleeves of his bulky sweater and flashed his handsome smile
"你一定是米歇尔,"他说着,卷起他宽松外套的衣袖,脸上漾起迷人的微笑。Then he heard boys shouting at the top of their voices"Michel"s dead! The old beggar is dead."


Sandy and michelle is go to formal dance with their blind date.
桑迪和麦考准备参加男女双方的初次会面的一个正规舞会。Political sociologists today are often reluctant to acquiesce to Michel"s law.
今天的政治社会学家们往往不愿意接受米歇尔法则。Michelle Larson was the CHICOS project coordinator. She is eloquent and sociable. She transferred to NASA, and now works in Pennsylvania State University.
米雪尔.尔逊是CHICOS组的前主任。她是一个能言善辩的领导者,喜欢与人沟通。后于美国大空总署工作,现于宾夕凡尼亚州州立大学做研究。 His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance. Stacy nudged me, "You"re staring, Michelle, and about to drool."
他那坦率、温暖的笑容和自信的模样让我不由地发怔,斯泰西轻轻地捅了我一下,说道:Defending World Cup champion Michele Bartoli of Italy edged out belgium"s Frank Vandenbrouke to win the 85th Swiss Grand Prix cycling race 0n Sunday.

相关内容: 米歇尔的英文怎么说 尚训网
