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米饭的英文 参考例句

2023-10-16 10:10:25来源:互联网


Steamed Rice

Now, listen! Rice, noodle, porridge, water and tea.
听着!米饭、面条、粥、水和茶。 He ate a small quantity of rice.
他吃了少量的米饭。What do you say to some rice?
您看来点米饭怎么样Sprinkle a little salt on the rice.
在米饭上撒点盐。I was raised on rice in the South.
我在南方吃米饭长大。The boy ate three bowls of rice this morning.
那男孩今天早上吃了三碗米饭。His plate was piled high with rice
他的盘子里盛满了米饭Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.
有咖喱的菜配米饭最妙.Leave the vegetables to steam over the rice for the 20 minutes cooking time.
让蔬菜在米饭上蒸20分钟。His plate was piled high with rice.

adj. 蒸(熟)的
v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮

Steam has fogged my glasses.
蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The boiler discharged steam.
锅炉排放了蒸汽。The ship steamed into the harbor.
轮船驶抵港口。 The valley is watered by a steam.
这山谷有一条小溪流过。ship under steam

n. 稻;大米,米饭

He bagged (up) rice.
他把大米装进口袋。 congee; rice gruel; porridge
粥;稀饭 Rice grows mainly in the south.
稻米主要产在南方。The rice has been acclimated in this area.
水稻已能适应这一地区的环境。The farmers pound rice in a mortar.

相关内容: 米饭的英文 尚训网
