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航程用英文怎么说 航程的英文

2023-10-19 10:36:34来源:互联网



Rudolph was sailing near a dangerous, rocky place and the closest port was four hours away
鲁道夫正航行于接近一个危险多岩的地方,而距离最近的港口,还有四个小时的航程。Ideals are like the stars—we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. ——Carl Schurz
理想犹如天上的星——我们虽不能到达,但像水手一样,我们的航程可凭它指引。——舒尔茨The range of a supersonic jet
超音速喷气式飞机的航程The voyage was beset with dangers.
这次航程充满了危险.A three-day sail to get to Brest
到布雷斯特的三天航程I am not going to relate that voyage in detail.
我不准备详细叙述航程的经过。How many days" sail is it from Hull to Oslo?
从赫尔到奥斯陆有几天的航程It will maintain supersonic for 20 minutes at least in your flight.
航程至少应保持20分钟的超音速飞行。That locality was outside the range of fighter support.
但其位置远在战斗机支援航程以外。 Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages

n. 飞翔,飞行;班机;楼梯的一段;逃走
v. 迁徙;射击;使惊飞

The Flight of Youth
青春飞逝 This is the autopilot flight director.
这是自动驾驶飞行指引仪。What is the estimated flight time?
班机预定时间是几点?This is a special holiday flight.
这是假期增开的航班。The flight took three hours.

相关内容: 航程用英文怎么说 尚训网
