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苍白的英文 参考例句

2023-10-25 10:26:43来源:互联网



a deadly paleness
如死苍白deadly pale
如死苍白的a dead paleness
如死人般的苍白Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound.
我们的面颊苍白,我们的长发披散。the looked pasty and red-eyed; a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white.
脸色苍白、眼睛发红;苍白的面色现在变得更白。 He was a blond, spiritless man, anemic, and faintly handsome.
他这个长相不错的人,苍白的脸上没有血色,无精打采。Shock victims often have a weak pulse, pale and clammy skin, and breathe with difficulty
休克患者常常脉搏微弱,皮肤苍白、湿冷,呼吸困难。There was a lurid, gloomy canopy above; the elmtrees drooped their heavy blackish green
上面是一片苍白又阴郁的苍穹;榆树枝叶郁郁苍苍地低垂下来。A smile flickered across Vincent"s grey features.
文森特苍白的面孔上掠过一丝微笑。Not pale or anemic;florid or ruddy.

adj. 苍白的;无力的;暗淡的
v. (使)苍白,失色
n. 栅栏;范围

The flowers in their hair are pale and faded.
她们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了。The water was of a pale, neutral color.
这水是一片淡灰色。 She paled with shock at the news.
她听到那消息大惊失色。She paled at the sight of the blood.
她一看到血就脸色苍白。She was pale with fear.

adj. 苍白的;疲惫的;病弱的
v. (使)变苍白,呈病态

She looked wan and fragile.
她看上去既疲乏又虚弱。All she could manage was a thin, wan smile.
她只能挤出一丝疲惫的笑容。Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
为何如此消磨,温柔的恋人,形容暗淡? Despite his weariness, Brand mustered a wan smile.
虽然精疲力竭,布兰德还是无力地笑了笑。I have a WAN, how do I increase response times?
我有一个广域网(WAN) ,该怎么提高响应时间呢?

相关内容: 苍白的英文 尚训网
