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午饭的英文怎么说 参考例句

发布时间:2022-12-22 14:57:07来源:尚训网

在生活中,很多人都不知道午饭的英文怎么说 参考例句是什么意思,其实他的意思是非常简单的,下面就是小编搜索到的午饭的英文怎么说 参考例句相关的一些知识,我们一起来学习下吧!



Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet?
嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗?He takes a packed lunch (ie sandwiches, etc packed into a box or some other container) to work every day
他每天带(盒装)午饭上班They halted for lunch.
他们停止前进吃了顿午饭。The girl put her lunch up in a paper bag and started on a visit to a zoo.
女孩把午饭装在纸袋里出去参观动物园了。construction workers on their lunch hour ogling passing women.
建筑工人在午饭时色迷迷地盯着经过的妇女Every morning I pack my Bag with my Books and a lunch.
我每天早上把我的书和午饭装入袋子里。Roger did not hold a grudge against the co-worker who treated him rudely. He still invited him out to lunch.
罗杰并不怀恨那粗鲁待他的同事,仍然邀他出来吃午饭。The gas - fitter took the stove to pieces before she had a chance to cook lunch.
她还未来得及做午饭,煤气装修工就把炉子拆开了。I scarf down my breakfast/lunch as a flack from the Nature Conservancy explains how everything works.
在自然保护协会播放大会宣传片讲解我们要做些什么的时候,我一道把我的早午饭都吃了。Grandad usually conks out ( ie sleeps ) for an hour or so after lunch

n. 午餐
v. 吃午餐;供给午餐

They broke for lunch.
他们停下来吃午饭。They halted for lunch.
他们停止前进吃了顿午饭。Sunday lunch will be a hen party.
星期日的午餐将是一个纯粹女人的聚会。You have to lay the table for lunch.
你应该去摆好餐具准备吃午饭。I still owe you a lunch.

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相关内容: 午饭的英文怎么说 尚训网
